Thursday, November 18, 2010


Everyday, there sure is someone enjoying the happiness, and someone having the sadness, angriness, sorrow, nervous whatever, and someone just happy all along the day and someone just can't let go of the bad feelings, unfair huh?

Just because of others and you get angry, is it worth? Others just looking at you and laugh at you, "HAHA, NOOOOB, ANGRY WORRRR", just smile and smile and then let it go, it will be all fine~

Sad just because of whatever thingies like loves whatever? This is complicated, if I say a wrong thing here I may not live already, but I just can say, face it happily, enjoy and taste it nicely, and let go of it joyfully, as long as it's not the right one for you, can't get yourself out from the pass? Nothing can aid you here, only time can help you, oh ya, and you own willpower, be strong 'pal!

Not dare to face your Ex or whatever friends which got quarreled and broke? Oh just ignore it and give them a punch in the face! Just kidding, just smile smile, breathe breathe and GO GO!

Sad for someone who left you? Maybe I can just say, accept it, be happy, 'cause I am sure they want you to be happy too, not to sad for them, they will feel bad up there, god blesses.

Others only can share your happiness, but not your bad feelings, you can share the great things together, but you have to face the unpleasant feelings alone, treat yourself nicely, 'cause you are the only one who can. Good luck for your journey~

And I am not treating myself nicely 'cause I am typing this passage but not sleeping, 'CIAO!

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